The skin is our largest excretory organ. It consists of three main layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis, performs a number of important functions. The skin is responsible for:
protection from external factors;
elimination of toxins;
reception (allows us to feel the surrounding objects).
In order for the skin to remain healthy and successfully perform its functions, it needs moisture and protective lipids (fats), which ensure the integrity of the protective barrier. If the epidermis is naturally dry, it produces insufficient sebum. The purpose of sebum is to form a protective microfilm on the surface of the skin that resists transepidermal moisture loss. If there is not enough fat, the epidermis becomes rough to the touch, excessive sensitivity, reactivity, and redness appear.
Skin type is a genetic predisposition that cannot be corrected. But this does not mean that you will always have to suffer due to the feeling of tension, dehydration and discomfort. It is important to adjust daily care. It should be aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the epidermis, moisturizing, maintaining a sufficient level of hydration. Then the unpleasant symptoms will disappear, and the skin will have a young, healthy and radiant appearance.

Why is the skin dry? Causes of dry skin of the face and body
Dry skin has a matte shade, it is thin, more prone to the external influence of negative factors than other types. Due to a weak hydrolipidic barrier, the dry epidermis has reduced elasticity and a tendency to form wrinkles.
Dry epidermis is often found in people who live in regions with variable climates. During changes in temperature and air humidity, signs of reactivity appear on it: redness, peeling, excessive sensitivity.
If normal skin has a pH balance of 5.5, then in dry skin this indicator is shifted to a more acidic environment and corresponds to values of 3-5.5.
Dry skin can be caused by various factors. This condition can manifest as moderate or severe dryness. Excessive dryness can be caused by a decrease in air temperature, ultraviolet radiation, improper care. Also, the cause of dryness can be malfunctions of internal systems and organs.
External factors
The following factors can worsen the condition of dry skin:
Adverse weather conditions, characteristic of winter and autumn, are often accompanied by low humidity. They cause the skin to lose more moisture through the transepidermal barrier.
Dry indoor air caused by central heating, heaters, air conditioners and similar devices can also worsen skin conditions. If the air humidity in the room is lower than 40%, it "pulls" moisture from the skin.
Aggressive cosmetics. Bar soap, detergents, shampoos that contain aggressive surfactants can cause dryness and peeling. Such cosmetics intensively remove fat, while the epidermis does not have time to restore the hydrolipidic balance.
Frequent visits to the tanning bed, especially after tanning, can also contribute to dryness. Ultraviolet in excessive amounts is harmful to the health and beauty of the skin.
Frequent contact with water. Taking hot baths and showers for a long time negatively affects the condition of dry skin. Also, frequent visits to a pool with chlorinated water can provoke dryness.
Internal factors
Excessive dryness can be the result of certain health problems:
Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Lack of vitamins D, A, niacin, zinc, iron can lead to excessive dryness.
Skin diseases. People suffering from atopic dermatitis (eczema), ichthyosis, perioral dermatitis, psoriasis face the problem of excessive dryness of the epidermis during periods of exacerbation of such pathologies.
Dehydration Non-compliance with the drinking regimen has a negative effect on the health of the entire body, especially in the heat, during increased physical exertion. The skin will also be excessively dry, may become rough and cracked.
Incorrect diet. An unbalanced diet leads to digestive disorders, and also provokes deficiency states, which negatively affects the course of metabolic processes in the dermis.
Medicines. Some medicines have side effects in the form of dryness of the epidermis.
Bad Habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect on the condition of the skin. Nicotine and alcohol destroy collagen and elastin fibers, accelerate the aging process of the dermis, and make it drier.
Stress. Prolonged depression promotes the production of cortisol. This hormone has a negative effect on collagen, provoking dryness of the skin.
Diabetes. A constant increase in the level of sugar in the blood leads to violations of cellular metabolism, can cause dryness and itching.
Kidney diseases. Disturbances in the work of the kidneys lead to deficiency states. There may be a lack of minerals and nutrients, due to which the dermis is more prone to dryness.
Dryness can be caused by other diseases: hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, hepatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies and other conditions.
How to determine dry skin type?
It is easy to understand that you have dry skin. To do this, wash your face with the usual cleanser, wipe your face with a paper or cotton towel, and then wait forty minutes. This time is enough for the hydrolipidic balance of the epidermis to be restored. Next, take a paper napkin and apply it to different areas of the face: cheekbones, chin, forehead. If there are no traces left on the napkin, it means that the epidermis is of a dry type.
Signs of dry skin on the body and face
In youth, dry skin is usually not a cause for concern. However, with age, the lack of natural hydration affects its appearance. It ages faster than other types of dermis. Without proper care, which will correct the lack of hydration and nutrition, the face can be covered with a fine mesh of wrinkles, lose the clarity of the contours.
Signs of dry epidermis:
pores are small, almost imperceptible;
lack of greasy shine, even in the heat;
rashes, comedones, black spots are rare;
after washing and other contact with moisture there is a feeling of tightness and discomfort.
The condition of dry skin can worsen when washing with hot water, due to improper care.

How dry skin differs from dehydrated?
Dry and dehydrated skin are different concepts. In the first case, we are talking about the genetic predisposition of the epidermis, which cannot be changed. Dry skin is characterized by an insufficient amount of natural fat. This condition is caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, which do not produce a sufficient amount of sebum necessary for moisturizing. Such skin often looks tired, there are signs of peeling, itching, possible loss of elasticity, fine wrinkles.
For dry dermis, you need to choose cosmetics that will fill the lack of natural lipids and moisture. Such care should be constant.
If we are talking about dehydration, then this is only a condition of the skin. Dehydrated skin can be of any type: normal, oily, dry, combination. Dehydration can and should be eliminated. This is a condition in which the epidermis is deprived of moisture, which leads to a violation of its barrier functions. This can be caused by:
insufficient water consumption;
excessive use of caffeine or alcohol;
prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Dehydrated dermis can show the same signs as dry dermis: peeling, loss of elasticity, appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and cracks.
It is worth noting that the epidermis can be both dry and dehydrated at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to choose the appropriate treatment and proper care.
How to care for dry skin? Stages of care
Skin care of any type is based on three main principles: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. Each stage requires the right selection of cosmetics. To achieve noticeable results, it is advisable to use professional-level products. Such lines of cosmetic products are developed for specific requests, so they work more precisely. The formulas of these tools are based on scientific research and are aimed at solving specific problems.
Surface cleaning should be done every day: in the morning and in the evening. Exfoliating procedures should be performed periodically. The optimal frequency is once every 10 days.
Dry facial skin reacts to the smallest irritants. One of them is tap water, which, as a rule, contains chlorine and salts of various metals. Even when wiping the face after washing, these components can have a negative effect on the skin. To solve the problem, you can use special products for cleaning dry skin:
soft foams;
There are special cosmetics that do not need to be washed off with water. This minimizes contact with possible irritants.
It is absolutely necessary to carry out toning after cleansing the skin. This contributes to the restoration of the hydrolipidic barrier, neutralizes the effect of residual surfactants from water, and provides additional hydration.
If the skin is too flaky, you can use soft peels. They dissolve connections between living and keratinized cells, facilitate exfoliation.
This stage is aimed at restoring the water balance of the skin and strengthening its protective barrier. You need cosmetic products that take into account the current state of the skin, age, and individual characteristics. The best solution would be creams with a light texture containing hyaluronic acid, aloe vera extract, vitamins, and trace elements. These components help retain moisture in skin cells, contribute to its smoothness and elasticity. A good effect is given by the use of saturated serums that stimulate the production of collagen.
Antiaging care products may contain active ingredients: retinol, peptides, antioxidants. These components help fight the signs of aging, stimulate cell renewal, strengthen the skin structure and prevent the destructive effects of free radicals.
Nourishing the skin is necessary to strengthen the barrier functions, improve the structure and appearance, as well as to maintain its overall health. Cosmetics should contain vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals: zinc and selenium. These components promote cell regeneration, protect against the effects of free radicals, and stimulate the production of collagen fibers.
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in certain foods and supplements, are also important elements in maintaining the health and attractive appearance of dry skin.
Care should be aimed at eliminating the main cause of dryness, it is also important to pay more attention to areas that are prone to drying out. Depending on where the dryness is manifested (on the face, head, hands or feet), it is necessary to select appropriate moisturizing agents.
If the scalp is dry
This can be both a feature from birth and the result of external influence. Incorrect selection of care products, imbalance of nutrients, lack of moisture can provoke dryness, flaking and irritation on the scalp. The following rules should be observed in care:
Use a mild shampoo, preferably sulfate-free, and a moisturizing conditioner. Periodically include masks, balms, creams for dry scalp in your care.
Wash your head with warm water - not hot. Rinse with cool water.
When using a hair dryer, try to avoid excessive heat. It is better to dry hair with cold air or naturally.
Wear hats to protect your scalp from cold and dry air in winter and direct sunlight in summer.
If the skin of the hands dries
Dry skin on the hands causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations. To improve the situation, regularly use a professional moisturizing cream or lotion.
When doing household chores, wear protective gloves. When going outside in the cold season, do not forget about warm gloves. At night, apply an oily cream or restorative balm.
In case of severe dryness, cracks and peeling, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for professional consultation and the appointment of effective treatment.
Dry body skin
Dryness can be the result of improper care. Avoid hot baths. It is better to take a shower with warm water. Use mild cleansing gels that do not destroy the hydrolipidic barrier.
Dry body skin needs constant moisturizing, especially after water treatments. To do this, apply oil or moisturizing cream after showering. In the heat, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun's rays, use cosmetics with a sun protection factor.